Serving is an act of worship, a way to spread the love of Christ to those around us. We are all called to serve as members of the body for the glorification of God.
We serve because Christ first served us.
Help connect them to Christ through play time, stories, and activities.
Help kids to understand the need for a personal faith in Christ.
Help students to grow their faith in Christ and relationships with others through discipleship and fun.
Vocalists and instrumentalists that want to help us express their wonder and gratitude of God through music.
People who like to work with computers, cameras, buttons, sliders, and gadgets who want to help behind the scenes to make our services a true worship experience. No experience needed, we can train you.
These people serve as greeters and ushers, they also staff our welcome center and coffee connection. They are the first point of contact for many that come through our doors. If you like to meet new people, this is a great place for you.
You can help us with special events that take place seasonally at Central or help with funerals or meal trains.
God has blessed us with beautiful grounds and a spacious building in which we come together and worship Him. We want to be faithful with all that He as entrusted to us and provide a safe, clean, inviting place for all who enter here. In order for us to maintain our building and property we will have various opportunities throughout the year for volunteers to help us keep Central looking its best.
We have several mission organizations that we partner with in Siouxland. Let us inspire and equip you to engage and disciple in the diverse spheres of our community.
We are called to bring the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. Some of us are called to serve in those remote places and others are called to come alongside and support them. Can we help you decide what role to play?
This tool will help to reveal your Spiritual Gifts to you. It may reveal more/different gifts than you every realized. If you want to talk with a pastor after you have completed this to get help exploring your gifts and talents that the Holy Spirit has gifted you with and discuss how you can us those gifts to serve the body of Christ, please reach out to us.
I choose to serve at Central there is always a blessing from both getting to know other people and in helping the greater good. If i did not choose to serve then I feel like I would be missing out on what God has in store for my life. There are many needs to fill each and every week, which means there are so many opportunities out there for connections and blessings. A.L.
is imperative to my Christian walk and growth. Besides following the example of Christ, my family and I have personally benefitted more from serving others than having this expectation to only be served. It's a joy and more fulfilling when I can serve in any capacity, i.e Help pack food for Mission of Hope, Help at Awana, serve as a Deacon, serve as an Elder, etc. A.O.
into its 7th decade, I look back in gratitude with tremendous joy from service at Central. So many at CBC have become our family, and working with children has been a highlight. Even as they grow into adults, they remain ever in my prayers and my heart! G.G.
of our society and helping the children of our church grow into their spiritual lives is what drives me to serve. Watching them hear the Bible stories and learn about how Jesus loves them is so amazing. M.R.
mostly because my family & I have been served by Central! When we moved home to Sioux City, our son had such a positive experience in the Central nursery that we kept returning as visitors. Even now that both of my kids have "aged out" of the nursery, I continue to serve there in case there are other families who might also benefit from this service! E.M.
I do feel like God has gifted me in the area of worship, but more importantly, God has used my service to grow closer to other Christians and to stretch my faith and testimony for Christ. It is so much fun to come to practice and be able to be with the other members of the team who all have the same mission to bring the congregation together in one voice and heart. A.L.
I get to have meaningful conversations, learn names, meet new people, and be a smiling/happy face for those who are attending church at Central for their first time. I also sincerely enjoy serving in the nursery. I get to meet and get to know the church family that is caring for my kiddos when I am not there. I also get to make connections with other moms who are in the same stage of life that I am. Serving never feels like work. I always leave feeling positive and excited to serve again. S.B.
my musical talent at a very very young age and when I got older I realized God gave me the talent for a reason, and that reason was to be a part of the worship ministry and lead the congregation in worship. So I’ve been playing at church for over 5 years now and I thank God for the opportunity and for allowing me to keep improving spiritually and musically. I.G.
by profession but if you will only step out in faith, the Good Lord will give you the words He wants communicated. I find through leading the Men’s Bible Study at Central, I get more from the lessons than most. P.B.
on Sunday mornings or serving coffee. I’ve been known to rock a baby or two in the nursery from time to time. One of our families most favorite things to do for the Lord at Central is at the meal packing “parties” for Haiti we have done twice now. Having been to Haiti with a group from Central on a medical missions trip in the past and seeing first hand where those meals go is all the more meaningful. There are so many more ways to serve Jesus at Central you sometimes just have to jump in, try a few areas of service and find your passion. B.M.
in the church because I make new friends while doing it. I also get to help a church I love and grow the community. F.F.
Equipping Hour: 9:00 am
Worship Service: 10:15 am
Prayer Meeting: 6:00 pm
Awana & CSM: 6:30 pm
Q&A Wednesdays 7:00 pm